How Donnie Wahlberg Hilariously Hid ‘Masked Singer’ Reveal From Jenny McCarthy

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Donnie Wahlberg pulled off the ultimate stunt when he joined The Masked Singer as The Cluedle-Doo this season. He was able to hide his identity from his wife Jenny McCarthy, the current holder of the Golden Ear trophy. It was not super easy for him to do so. He had to be very tactical and secretive leading up to his big reveal.
Jenny McCarthy is Still Feeling Shame About Not Guessing Her Husband Before His ‘Masked Singer’ Reveal
Wahlberg was unmasked during last week’s episode of The Masked Singer featuring guest judge Darius Rucker. None of the judges guessed The Cluedle-Doo’s identity correctly, which led to a hugely embarrassing moment when he was revealed. The couple spoke about the big reveal during a joint appearance on The Talk.
“What was going through my mind was complete shame because I like to brag that I’m one of the best panelists, I won the golden ear, I knnow people’s voices and when he took that mask off I was in total shock,” McCarthy admitted. “I literally lost my footing and was shaking for about an hour.”
McCarthy knew that she would catch a lot of flack on social media for not recognizing her husband’s voice. Wahlberg knew that to trick his wife, he had to keep everything under wraps. The couple does everything together, so it was not going to be easy to pull off.
How Wahlberg Pulled off His Epic Reveal Without Anyone Guessing Correctly
Wahlberg knows McCarthy’s schedule on The Masked Singer and that the judges aren’t really allowed to have their phones on the panel. Just 45 minutes before he performed as The Cluedle-Doo ahead of his reveal, Wahlberg FaceTimed McCarthy. He spoke to Robin Thicke and Nicole Scherzinger who are old friends of his. His main goal was to have all of the judges convinced that he was in New York filming his show Blue Bloods.
“I had Danny Reagan’s suit jacket and tie from Blue Bloods and I just pretended I was on set, so even though I think a few of them might have suspected it was me, they just spoke to me on FaceTime and they were certain that I was in New York,” he said.
An hour prior to the big reveal, Wahlberg posted a photo from the set of Blue Bloods to further convince the judges that he was in New York. Really, he was ready to give his wife the biggest shock of her life!
With the biggest reveal of the season out of the way, McCarthy revealed who she is rooting for in the upcoming finale of The Masked Singer. She along with millions of viewers want The Black Swan to win. We think we have a pretty good idea of The Black Swan’s identity based on all of her clue packages.