Murphy Steals the Show at the ‘American Idol’ Finale with Original Songs

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When American Idol announced that fan-favorite contestant Murphy would be performing at the finale, a collective cheer could be heard all over the world. The judges made a huge mistake when they eliminated Murphy from the competition just before Season 19’s Top 24.
Murphy Makes the Judges Regret Sending Him Home with ‘American Idol’ Finale Performance
On his 28th birthday, the judges delivered the news to Murphy that he would not be moving forward in the competition. He received the most support and outrage for his elimination out of any other American Idol contestant from Season 19. Many even declared that they would not be watching the show any longer because a true artist was sent packing. He had the potential to win the entire competition.
American Idol decided to do right by the fans and bring him back for a well-deserved live performance. The street musician living in Seattle, Washington performed two original songs at the finale. One is called “Am I Still Mine?” and the other is “The Painted Man.” He first performed “The Painted Man” back in his audition when the judges asked to hear more from him.
“Each year we scour the nation for the most unique talent out there. And this season, we came across one of the most memorable artists to date…Murphy,” Ryan Seacrest said at the finale. “His elimination was controversial and nearly broke the Twitterverse. His early elimination sent shockwaves out. Fans voiced their outrage online, calling the decision one of the biggest errors in Idol history.”
He Opened Up About His Emotional Backstory At His Audition
During his American Idol audition, Murphy revealed that he has a degenerative eye disease that has left him blind in one eye. He is expected to go completely blind in his 30s. He did mention further in the competition that the bright stage lights were a challenge for him and more damaging to his eyes.
Murphy made a career for himself as a street performer with the nickname “Blind Boy.” For him, building a music career has never been about the money or the fame. Instead, he wants to use his voice to help other people.
“I want people to look at me as an example of you don’t need a lot to give something substantial,” he said in an interview with Seattle Refined. “Particularly, I want to help people that have had a hard life. Like, by the end of it I want to have a homeless shelter. I don’t care that I don’t have a ton of money. I want to have something to show for my hard work.”
Despite his American Idol elimination, Murphy has already landed one huge opportunity. Actor Josh Gad was upset about Murphy’s elimination and asked him to write a song for his show Central Park. Truthfully, it feels like Murphy is the real winner of the season after walking away with so much support from fans and celebrities alike.