Talent Recap

Ariana Grande Faced Her Toughest Choice Yet Between ‘The Voice’ Singers

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If you thought Ariana Grande had “No Tears Left to Cry” after the battle rounds, you were wrong. Grande has once again showed her dedication to her team on The Voice by bawling her eyes out over their possible elimination. 

At the beginning of the live results show this week, Carson Daly called Team Ariana to the stage. He announced that Jim and Sasha Allen and Holly Forbes were chosen to be in the Top 13 by America. Immediately after announcing that Jim and Sasha were to remain in the competition, Sasha walked over to the camera and mouthed “what?!” to the audience. 

It’s no surprise that these singers have made it into the Top 13 on The Voice considering they had some of the best performances in the live shows. Grande’s tears began as tears of happiness, but quickly turned into pain.

Ariana Grande Chooses Ryleigh Plank as Her Save

We’ve seen Grande get emotional over how much she loves her team, but never like this. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see her sad over the fate of one of her singers. It’s so sweet that this coach is able to show how she’s feeling toward her team on live television.


“I don’t know how this possibly could’ve happened. I just-everyone is equally as, I don’t have any idea what to say you all are so brilliant and are the most incredible vocalists and human beings I’ve had the privilege of getting to know and work with,” said Grande through tears. “I will be here as a friend and a mentor if you want, I will be a facetime away everyday forever, I love you all so much and respect you all forever. Oh my god this hell.”

After that, Grande announced that she would be bringing Ryleigh Plank into the Top 13 with her. I was shocked by this decision, but I think the coach knows that America is in love with Bella DeNapoli’s impressive vocal range. Last night Gwen Stefani shared a video of her watching Bella’s performance on her Instagram story… If America doesn’t choose Bella, can Stefani? 

Bella DeNapoli competed again in the wildcard instant save, but did not win the save. Her time and that of Raquel Trindad’s is now unfortunately over, but they leave The Voice with her strongest performance yet.

Next week, the Top 13 are set to perform. The decisions will only get tougher from here for the judge who continues to show her love and support for her first ever team.

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Ariana lac
Ariana lac
3 years ago

I love Ariana grande blue leather dress shoes horney

Linda Bradley
Linda Bradley
3 years ago

Clarkson, I meant, Kelly that is….. Sorry. Lol . Ari it will get easier, unfortunately as you work on the show, it will get easier, but watch out, there’s always gonna be that one contestant that will still getcha right in the heart ❤️ good luck!

Linda Bradley
Linda Bradley
3 years ago

I think too it is sweet that Arana can and does show her REAL self on tv, I think if I had to say… It is refreshing. It will only make her fans Love her more. She’s like a little Carlson. 😂

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