‘AGT’ Results Begin the Ultimate Debate: Yu Hojin or Nicolas Ribs?

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The third results show of the America’s Got Talent season has sparked the ultimate debate between super fans. With two magicians in the finale, which one are you voting for?
On Wednesday night, it was announced that Nicolas Ribs will join Yu Hojin in the America’s Got Talent finale in a few weeks. Since AGT has seen an array of talents this season, fans are quite surprised that two are magicians. Even though both magicians stepped up their game for the live shows, fans have begun debating on which magician will win it all in the end.
Yu Hojin and Nicolas Ribs have been the most surprising acts to continue on into the finale at this point. Even though these magicians put on impressive acts, it felt as if they became standout performers overnight. Here’s how fans really feel about Yu and Nicolas.
AGT Fans Debate About Finale Magicians
Since Nicolas edged frontrunner Celia Muñoz out of the competition, fans have commented on his act as a whole. While some fans love his multimedia style, others think his sleight of hand tricks were too obvious.
“I honestly don’t know why y’all are losing your minds over Nicolas Ribs. If I can see the cards in your fingers before you ‘make them appear’ you are not an #AGT finale level magician. Period,” a fan wrote on Twitter.
Since we’ve seen loads of sleight of hand magicians in the history of the show, fans have been sharing their honest opinion on both magicians. Though Yu seems to be liked more, he’s receiving the same type of criticism as Nicolas.
“While I think Yu Hojin’s performance was better than his audition, I was pretty bored. I don’t think he’ll make it past this round and he honestly shouldn’t,” another fan wrote on Twitter.
These magicians have made quite the impression on AGT, so we can’t wait to see what their next acts are. Could one of them be the next Shin Lim or Dustin Tavella?
Their Journeys on AGT
In case you forgot, Yu took the AGT stage with an impressive act in which he made feather grow, hover in mid-air and disappear in a frame. Originally, Simon Cowell gave this magician a red X, since he wasn’t impressed with the performance. In the live shows, Yu performed close-up magic centered around the theme of imagination.
Nicolas has also performed close-up magic throughout the AGT competition. He originally took the stage performing close-up magic on a light table. Within the act he turned objects (like playing cards) into 3D objects. Nicolas appeared again in the live shows, performing a similar routine to the first.
Yu Hojin vs Nicolas Ribs is still an ongoing debate among AGT fans as we edge closer toward the finale. Will either magician make it as far as Dustin Tavella? Only time will tell.