‘AGT’ First Look: The Judges’ Deliberation Room Set to Replace Judge Cuts

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America’s Got Talent has ditched the judge cuts this season. They are replacing the traditional cuts with judge deliberations to be featured in the upcoming episode on July 20. This will be the final episode before a two-week break for the Olympics.
Auditions are rapidly concluding on AGT, so fans can expect to see a modified version of judge cuts in the last episode before the live shows. Instead of airing all of the 70-80 (depending on the season) acts once again to see if they are going to the live shows the judge cuts have been…cut.
We saw a modified version of this round last season due to COVID-19. It seems like we will be seeing another modified round in this season as well. While we don’t know exactly how this new format will look, new photos released by NBC suggest that this might be a format AGT fans are familiar with. It’s possible these acts aren’t re-performing, but being talked about during judge deliberations
The new photos show superstar judges Simon Cowell, Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum, and Sofia Vergara along with host, Terry Crews in a candle-lit room. It looks as if photos of the acts have been printed on individual cards and are laid out on a table in front of them.

In these photos, you can also see all of the judges staring at the same place. It’s possible they’re staring at a screen where they can re-watch auditions. They may even hop on Zoom calls with contestants. If I had to guess, I would say that the format of the judge cuts would be similar to last year’s virtual round.
There’s no way some of our favorite acts could be asked to perform in a room that’s decorated with candles. Do they expect these candles not to freak out the dog acts? How about the danger acts, do they really feel comfortable with more fire in this mysterious location?
There Are Still 22 Auditions Left
How will AGT split up their 2-hour time slot next week? There are still 22 acts that need to perform for the first time on the AGT stage. How are they going to fit this all into one episode?
I think AGT will use the last hour of their 2-hour time slot to call each act individually and tell them if they’re going through or not. OR they will just discuss each act based off of the printed cards and audition tapes. Since time is so tight, fans will probably not see the decisions about every act. Essentially, this means you may never see some of your favorite acts again.
AGT superfans, what do you think about the changes to the formatting? What do YOU think will be seen in the next episode? Let us know in the comments down below!