Comedian Kabir Singh Gets Candid About Rough Year Before Hilarious ‘AGT’ Audition

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Kabir Singh from Fremont, California came to his AGT audition with his sights set on becoming a household name. As a kid, he realized the easiest way to make friends was to be funny. His parents were very supportive of his comedy career when he was growing up. A death in the family led to one very rough year for him.
Kabir Singh Makes the ‘AGT’ Judges Laugh During Life-Changing Audition
Kabir got very emotional in his interview talking about how his dad passed away when he was a year or two into his comedy career. He struggled over the last year as the main source of financial support for both him and his mom. But AGT is all about making dreams come true and will hopefully make Kabir $1 million richer.
For his routine, he did a bit about serial killers and then transitioned into joking about verifying his identity to pay bills. His jokes were all super hilarious and everything just flowed out of his mouth very naturally. There were no awkward silences and no jokes that were duds.
The judges were laughing hysterically the entire time. Seeing good comedians on AGT is so refreshing in between all of the singing acts and some of the acts that just flat out miss the mark. Kabir is no stranger to NBC as he was a 2017 finalist in the StandUp NBC competition.
“You went from serial killers to paying a phone bill, that’s fairly impressive,” Simon Cowell said after the performance. “You know what, I love comedians like you who are pumped before you came out and we felt that energy. It was a great audition.”
Sofia Vergara also loved the serial killer jokes and often wonders how nobody can catch them, not even their closest family members. Heidi Klum said that though she wondered if it was appropriate to laugh at times, she still found the act so funny.
“You are relateable, you’re magnetic, you’re a star, America’s going to love you and I think you’re going to do great in the competition,” Howie Mandel boasted.
Kabir broke down on the stage and confessed to the judges that it has been a rough year for him. The judges all decided he is more than worthy of going through to the next round of the competition. He called his mom after getting four yes’s from the judges to tell her the great news.