‘America’s Got Talent’ Judges Are Totally Obsessed with Singing Chihuahua

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All it takes for Simon Cowell to smile until he is red in the face is a singing chihuahua! Pam brought her adorable little dog Casper to audition for America’s Got Talent this year. Casper can actually sing way better than half of the failed acts that come onto the show.
The ‘America’s Got Talent’ Judges Fall in Love with Casper the Dog
As soon as Pam walked out onto the stage with Casper, Sofia Vergara, queen of the chihuahua’s, was hooked. In almost every single Instagram photo she posts, Vergara is holding a chihuahua. Her son Manolo even has his own brand of dog clothes called CANINI by Baguette.
“I love them,” Vergara exclaimed. “They’re so cute. My son has one and my husband has one.”
Howie Mandel has quite the opposite opinion about chihuahuas. He claims that his dog only loves his wife and hates him. Pam said she would sing at home and Casper would join in with squeaks and squawks before she realized he could actually sing. We suggest that Mandel try the singing chihuahua hack so we could all be entertained by it on Instagram.
“If you can find a dog that could sing, you’d make a fortune,” Cowell commented before the act even began.
Cowell is a dog lover himself. He has always been super invested in dog acts on the show. Pam explained to Casper that he was only supposed to sing the chorus of the song. It is hilarious that the dog seemed to understand what she was saying. Once the act began, all of the judges were cracking up. Cowell was laughing so hard that his face melted into the microphone. He led the judges in swaying their arms back and forth in the air.
They all gave the act a standing ovation. Cowell and Mandel agreed that Pam didn’t necessarily have to be part of the act because Casper is the real star here. Whether you agree or disagree, they are a package deal.
“I think that was one of the most adorable things I’ve seen in a long time,” Vergara said.
Casper and his background singer Pam were voted through to the next round by the America’s Got Talent judges. Do you think Casper will be able to take on some of the other incredible singers in the competition like Nightbirde and Peter Rosalita?