Talent Recap

15 Year Old Singer Turns All Four Chairs in ‘The Voice’ Early Release

Riley Tate Wilson on 'The Voice'The Voice

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Voice has shared an early release audition from next week’s show, featuring 15-year-old singer Ryley Tate Wilson. Ryley turned all four coaches’ chairs with his stunning rendition of “Dancing On My Own” by Robyn.

Teen Singer Turns Four Chairs on The Voice

Kelly Clarkson was the first coach to turn around for Ryley’s audition, followed quickly by Niall Horan. They marveled at Ryley’s talent as he continued the song. It didn’t take long for Blake Shelton to join the other coaches in turning around.

Chance the Rapper was the final coach to turn around, making Ryley a four-chair turn with zero blocks. The coaches couldn’t believe it when Ryley introduced himself and shared that he was only 15 years old.

Horan told Ryley that his “head nearly exploded” listening to his performance. He called it “the best audition we’ve seen here by a long shot.” The coach recalled how nervous he was when he auditioned for The X Factor at age 15, and shared how impressed he was by Ryley’s confidence.



Which Coach’s Team Will Ryley Choose to Join?

The other coaches went on to give their pitches to Ryley for why he should join their team. Clarkson pointed out that she’s won the show with young singers before, adding that she herself started out as a young singer on a talent show.

Chance the Rapper called Ryley “insanely talented,” complimenting his runs and comparing his style to “experimental R&B.” He added that he would love the opportunity to help Ryley find songs that he “can play with.”

Shelton assumed he was probably Ryley’s fourth choice, but he pointed out that he’s won the show with artists from various genres. He went on to joke, “You pick me as your coach, and I will quit coaching after this season.” (Shelton already announced he was leaving before the season began.)

We’ll find out who Ryley chose as his coach when The Voice Season 23 returns next Monday night at 8/7c on NBC.

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Sandra M Stevens
Sandra M Stevens
1 year ago

I love the voice it’s my favorite show and that 15 yr. Old amazing .he could possibly win it all .can’t wait to watch it Monday night to hear his voice again.

3 months ago

oi, tudo bem, prazer eduarda avila eu tambem quero me tornar uma estrela da musica no the voice kids

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