Talent Recap

‘The Voice’ Returns Tonight With The Final 11


Now things are really getting interesting. The final 11 will compete tonight to see who will move on and who is going to have to go back to their 9 to 5. It’s a cruel process but it must happen. Who is going to make it through and which contestant is looking strongest moving into the semifinals?

Reading Time: 1 minutes

If social media and our comment section is any indication, (and it totally is), the leader of the pack as far as popularity is Brooke Simpson followed very closely behind by Chloe Kohanski. Either of these two could very well be the winner. So, they will make it through no problem. The ones I see as being in danger are Adam Cunningham and Addison Agen, an it’s not because of lack of talent. The competition is fierce at this point and Adam was in the bottom two last week. Addison is great but I feel like she may be overshadowed a bit by the other female singers.

Noah is another one in danger of going home. People like him a lot but I don’t know that he has enough of a following online to boost him with the fans. You’re social media game needs to be on point, y’all. The rest of the pack should be safe but I could be wrong. It all depends on how they do tonight.

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