Simon Cowell Calls Out Peter Antoniou For ‘AGT’ Act Gone Wrong

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Peter Antoniou asked fans to help him with his America’s Got Talent act this week. We couldn’t wait to see what he was going to do with all of the photographs that everyone sent to him. The act was definitely not what we expected after Peter had a little mishap involving Sofia Vergara.
What Went Wrong with Peter Antoniou’s ‘AGT’ Act?
The act started off with Terry Crews picking up photographs off the floor. Vergara and Simon Cowell were both given photos. Heidi Klum was asked to open up a photograph on her phone. Howie Mandel was left out of the act. Peter didn’t really do a good job explaining what was going on. It seemed like nerves got the best of him.
Was anybody else feeling a bit of anxiety during this act? Peter randomly described ice cream. He transitioned into talking about an upcoming birthday party that Vergara was planning for a person whose name starts with an “M.” Fans of the Modern Family actress know that Peter was trying to base a “psychic vision” off of the fact that her son Manolo’s birthday is on Sept. 16.
Unfortunately, Vergara said that the picture she had in her hands did not depict what Peter was describing. Vergara looked confused, the other judges looked confused, and I’m sure some viewers at home were probably confused too. He continued on with the act, trying to predict the photo that Klum had on her phone. Anyone could’ve predicted that Klum’s husband was in the photo.
Cowell Randomly Hit His Red Buzzer After the Act
Peter told Crews to imagine a film screen and to describe what he saw. Crews managed to describe the photo that Cowell was holding in his hand. The end of the act was not enough to make people forget about what happened towards the beginning. The reception was mixed for Peter’s act. Cowell, like many of us, questioned, “Did it go right or wrong?”
“The thing with psychic powers like this is it’s never 100 percent,” Peter said. “One of the scary things of being on AGT is that I can’t guarantee that I’m going to get everything right all of the time. I can only relay the feelings that I’m picking up.”
It sounded like a bit of an excuse since we have seen a lot of incredible mentalists and psychics perform perfect acts on this show. Whether the acts were real or doctored remains to be seen. Heidi Klum said that maybe Vergara wasn’t open-minded enough for the trick to work. Cowell abruptly decided to hit his red buzzer.
Did he hit the red buzzer because he didn’t like Peter’s answer or because he wanted the other judges to stop talking?