‘AGT’ Judge Cuts Week 4 Recap

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Tonight we saw the final episode of America’s Got Talent Judge Cuts for the season. It’s been fun watching the acts fight for a chance to perform at the Dolby Theater, but it “feels so good” to know the live shows are finally starting next week!
Tonight was probably the strongest Judge Cuts episode of the season, and it’s also proven to be another with some controversial decisions, so let’s take a look at which seven acts have earned themselves a spot in the quarter-finals!
Brian King Joseph
Brian is the type of musician that is great to both listen to and watch. Joy radiates off of him whenever he performs, and I can always tell he’s having the time of his life onstage. We don’t get a lot of strictly instrumental acts on AGT so it’ll be so exciting to see Brian in action during the live rounds! He’s one of the most captivating acts this season in my eyes and I hope he goes far.
Yumbo Dump
When Isaw the list of who would be performing this week, I immediately wrote off Yumbo Dump as an obvious elimination. However, they pleasantly surprised me tonight; last time I found their act more awkward than funny, but this time they seemed to take the silliness of the whole thing to a level where it surpassed awkwardness and was just plain fun. The audience and judges getting in on the shushing and “feels so good!” catchphrase made it so much more absurd yet so much funnier at the same time, and the whole thing just seemed to flow a lot better this time around.
That being said, I think there were a couple of acts who would have had a better shot at audience support had they been in Yumbo Dump’s place had they made it to the live shows, but then again I liked their act more than others from previous weeks so I guess it balances out. But it also shows how imbalanced the lineups for these Judge Cuts episodes seem to be; we’ll have a relatively forgettable group of acts one week and then an absolutely stacked one the next. It’s weird, especially for a relatively early round in the competition.
Da RepubliK
And here is this week’s obligatory dance act chosen to move forward. I don’t know what it is, but other than Zacuroh (who received Tyra’s Golden Buzzer in the season premiere) and I guess UDI if they count, I’m not really feeling the dance groups this season. And once again, I preferred the montaged dance act – Academy Of Villains – to the one who actually advanced. At the end of the day, Da RepubliK was fine, but I just don’t think this is going to be a great season for dancers like last year’s was.
Best Golden Buzzer of the season? I think she might be my personal favorite at least. We get a lot (and I do mean a lot) of singers on AGT, but not very many rap artists. So it’s been extra-great seeing Flau’jae come out and move so many people with her poignant and original material. All I can say is I’m gonna be keeping a close eye on this girl as a likely finalist and potential champion.
Glennis Grace
So, yet another act with a relatively high level of fame outside AGT makes it to the live shows. I enjoyed her performance and thought she was one of the better acts of the night, but I’m already seeing a lot of people get mad about her previous success or completely forget she even auditioned…neither of which are a good sign for her come the live shows.
Lord Nil
He took Simon’s advice and it paid off with a spot in the live shows. I thought he did well selling the danger element of the act; the frantic-ness of the act managed to convince a lot of people he really could have been devoured by those alligators.
Samuel J. Comroe
Two comedy acts advance in the same episode? That’s such a rarity on this show, so I’ll celebrate when I can! In addition to being hilarious, Samuel is a hit with the judges and has a backstory I think a lot of people will connect with, so I can see him potentially doing well in the competition. I think he contrasts nicely from Vicki Barbolak, the other stand-up comedian we’ll be seeing in the live shows, and it’ll be interesting to see which one the audience likes more.
Wildcard Possibilites
Sergey and Sasha
As great as having two comedy acts move on was, I really thought both of the danger ones deserved to move forward. It seems a lot of people have taken to this father-daughter duo, and I think their balancing act would have stood out among the other types of performers in this season’s live shows.
Sixto and Lucia
The judges seemed more focused on their break-up story than their act (which actually may bode well for their chances on this show) but I really loved watching them, and it’d be great to have some more magic in the live rounds!
Next week marks the beginning of Season 13’s live shows at the Dolby Theater, which means AGT will be on for two nights every week – Tuesdays and Wednesdays – for the rest of the season. To celebrate, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite acts of the night: while I agreed with the panel’s decision to eliminate Elijah since I doubt he could have done much more with this concept, his performance tonight had me laughing so hard I nearly cried!