‘The X Factor UK’ Premiere Gets Its Lowest Ratings Ever

The X Factor UK launched its new season on Saturday to the lowest viewership in the show’s history. It still won the evening’s ratings but it got far fewer watchers than back in the day. Is the show in trouble?
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The premiere of The X Factor UK only got 6 million viewers from all over Great Britain on Saturday night. This is down from 10.8 million back a few years ago. It’s lost a lot of viewers to the megahit Strictly Come Dancing…but that wasn’t on last night. The premiere was an entertaining evening with some really great acts, but I know that Sunday morning Simon Cowell was turning over desks and rending his deep neck v t-shirts over the low ratings. Though the UK generally isn’t as obsessed with ratings as American TV, it’s still a big factor. How else do you know when you need to cancel a show?
The X Factor UK started way back in 2004 and was a huge hit for the first few years. But people are fickle and, much like a cat, they move on to chase the next shiny object. I don’t think that The X Factor UK is going away anytime soon, but I know they are hoping for more viewers than that.