S. Korea’s COVID Tracing App Shockingly Becomes A Trap To Catch CHEATERS

Reading Time: 4 minutes
While there were 10,991 confirmed coronavirus cases in South Korea, there were only 260 deaths. This is a small number of deaths compared to some other countries that have suffered tremendous losses which is due in part by a contact tracing app. The video below explains how these apps work to protect citizens and alert them of those who are infected.
So, as you can imagine, contact tracing apps keep tabs on people at all times. If a person tests positive for coronavirus, the app then alerts people of the whereabouts of that person. This is to ensure that other people do not have contact with those who are infected.
Apps Tracking People’s Locations May Expose Some New Secrets
Even during a global pandemic, some people still feel the need to go out and cheat on their partners. But, that’s where this app comes in. If an alert pops up on someone’s phone saying that a 50-year-old man from Seoul tested positive for coronavirus, that man’s whereabouts and personal details will continue to pop up on your phone screen all day. You then learn that the man went to the movies, went grocery shopping, took a walk to the park etc. This has allowed people to discover the exact person that the notification is talking about just by using clues.
Not to mention, each person that is being traced on the app is assigned a coronavirus patient number. You can search for a patient’s case number online and find photographs of them as well as other personal details. You can even learn if a person is going off to a motel to cheat on their spouse which is what a lot of people are finding. The documentary The Country That Beat The Virus: What Can Britain Learn? talked about this method of tracing and some firsthand experiences of people who were cheated on after finding out through the app. “You had cases where people were in places they shouldn’t have been in such as hotels and motels,” said one participant.
Singapore Has Also Adopted This Kind Of Contact Tracing
Singapore urged its citizens to use an app called TraceTogether as a means of preventing the spread of coronavirus. One Twitter user posted a diagram detailing how the process works. This app tells people that may have been in contact with a coronavirus patient to stay at home for two weeks in quarantine. A GPS locator tracks each person’s whereabouts every single day. Authorities make sure people stick to the protocol by paying them surprise home visits and house calls. There are even instances where the app may request you to take pictures of your surroundings to verify your location. The app literally sounds like an insecure partner in a relationship trying to make sure their partner is not cheating.
The strictness of this app may be one of the reasons why Singapore has only experienced 21 coronavirus related deaths. Singapore joins the list of 29 countries using contact tracing apps to flatten the coronavirus curve.
People Sounded Off On Twitter About Contact Tracing Exposing Cheaters
Whenever anything has to do with exposing someone, you know Twitter is all over it. “I am very much here for mass contact tracing, mainly for all the cheating dirtbags it will expose,” said one Twitter user.
Another said “imagine finding out your SO is cheating on you through a contact tracing app.” That’s such a harsh reality check that could hit somebody but it’s honestly better for them to find out instead of it being kept a secret.
“Man cheaters gonna hate contract tracing…” said one Twitter user and we have a feeling that is right.
“So many cheaters are about to get caught this year because of COVID contact tracing and I am EXCITED ABOUT IT,” said another. They deserve to be caught in a time where we’re supposed to stand by and support our loved ones, not betray them.
Needless to say some people might become detectives and look for clues to figure out when their cities next cheating scandal will break.
Do you live in a country that uses a contact tracing app? If so, have there been any juicy cheating scandals uncovered?