Protective Father Curses Simon Cowell After He Compares His Daughter To ‘Dog Barking’ [VIDEO]

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When Kelly Peakman walked into the audition room for the X Factor UK she believed she was going to be a star like her idols, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. Peakman, who Simon Cowell called delusional during the audition did a pitchy rendition of “I Will Always Love You” By Whitney Houston. The audition went so bad that Simon compared her to Lassie at one point. The young singer did not take this criticism well and neither did her dad, who stormed into the room right afterward to argue with Simon.
Kelly Peakman Gets Compared to Lassie
Before she entered the audition room, Peakman told the cameras that she has the X-Factor, “I’ve not just got the X-Factor I got the wow Factor”. She also had the support of her family who was there with her and her dad Peter who believes that she has 100 percent star quality. They were the only ones who thought this, as the three judges did not enjoy her audition at all. She automatically shocked the judges when she says shes got a 10/10 voice and compares herself to Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, and Celine Dion.
The 23-year-old performed “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston did not have a 10/10 voice and sang in many different pitches, where at one point Louis Walsh laughed. The judges did not waste anytime to let Kelly know that she is not what they’re looking for and that singing is not in her path career wise.
Simon immediately compares her to Lassie and tells her she sounds like a dog barking, “It Sounded like a dog barking at the end, you sang in 7,000 different keys.” Peakman took this shockingly very well, especially when all three judges told her that she is a nice girl but it’s a no. After walking out of the room, Kelly showed that she’s not so nice after all.
Contestant’s Father Curses Simon Cowell Out
As nice and sweet as the young girl was during the audition, she exposed her not so sweet side immediately. Cursing out the judges as she walked out the door, all three judges began to laugh in shock. Their confusion continued as Kelly’s dad Peter barged into the room confused as to why his daughter is not getting a chance and pleading for a second chance. Clearly, her dad does not watch the show enough to know that on X Factor they don’t give second chances.
Simon who is not going to give Kelly another shot tells Peter that he is the reason that his daughter is so delusional and that she is not a star. Despite the fact that there was security, the daughter and father continue to attack Simon leading Kelly to hilariously ask him where his brain is.”Where’s your brain in your middle toe?” she says before finally getting escorted out where she called the judges “Very Harsh.”
Everything About The Now Viral Audition
Even though the Kelly Peakman didn’t get her chance at stardom, her audition is extremely popular with 1.5 million views. Her famous phrases which she yelled at Simon were even made fun of on Rupauls Drag Race by drag queen Baga Chipz in season 1. Both eventually got together to do a duet together called “Simply The Best.”