Kelly Clarkson Cleans Up Adam Levine’s Mess on ‘The Voice’

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The Voice coach Adam Levine lit a fire under fans after he pushed for fans to save the too-sick-to-sing Regan Strange over DeAndre Nico, the other member of Team Adam in the top 10 who’s future on the show also hung in the balance but who actually performed for the Instant Save on Tuesday night.
In the end, Strange barely edged out both her competitors, including Nico, to move on to next week’s semi-finals episode featuring the top 8, and fans still haven’t let Adam (or the show) hear the end of it.
But you know who actually came out of this week’s results show smelling like roses? None other than rival coach Kelly Clarkson. After the show came back from a commercial break while voting for the Instant Save was going on, Kelly made a point of praising DeAndre’s talent and hard work after Adam had used his time to do so to encourage the viewers to vote for Regan to move on.
While Adam has certainly gotten a lot of online backlash for his comments, people have also been using social media to give props to Kelly for standing up for DeAndre when his own coach would not.
I’m still pissed off about the way Adam Levine totally betrayed his artist in favor of his other artist who was too sick to sing on The Voice this week. So proud of my girl @kelly_clarkson for being a class act and standing up for DeAndre.
— Shaun (@My_December21) December 6, 2018
Thank you Kelly for your wonderful words to Deandre!!! That young man needed that from you!!!
— Darryl Arms (@darms2002) December 6, 2018
Kudos to Kelly Clarkson for speaking up for DeAndre Nico on The Voice! Excellent performance!! I don’t agree with what Adam Levine did. Kudos to DeAndre for his response to the situation!
— Karen Cayson (@KCayson) December 6, 2018
Kelly, U R awesome! You responded to Adam’s comment against DeAndre like a real coach!! I hope no other voice coach ever treats any contestant like Adam did again! Such a horrible way to deflate your own team!!
— Wwatkin1 (@Wwatkin64) December 7, 2018
kelly clarkson the voice I have the most utter respect for you! Thank you for making DeAndre feel important
— Diana Blackwell (@raggedydiana) December 6, 2018
Kelly, U R awesome! You responded to Adam’s comment against DeAndre like a real coach!! I hope no other voice coach ever treats any contestant like Adam did again! Such a horrible way to deflate your own team!!
— Wwatkin1 (@Wwatkin64) December 7, 2018
@kelly_clarkson #TheVoice thank you for standing up for DeAndre! #classykelly I love you!
— Lissa Mae (@KBCXLOVE90) December 6, 2018
All I have to say after last night is… in a world full of Adam Levines… be a Kelly Clarkson!!!! #TheVoice
— Brittany Vitez (@BrittanyVitez) December 5, 2018
It’ll be interesting to see if fans are still upset about this next week or will have moved on by then. Kelly still has three members of her team in the competition, but Adam only has Regan remaining. So we’ll see if the audience rallies behind Regan or if they cool off even more on her.
The Voice airs Mondays and Tuesdays at 8/7c on NBC.