Talent Recap

Evie Clair Will Be Back For Tonight’s ‘AGT’ Finals Performance


As we all know, 13-year-old singer Evie Clair’s father passed away two weeks ago after his long battle with cancer. This was one day after she was chosen to proceed to the finals. There was speculation she might not come back. But Evie’s mom announced that we will hear Evie sing tonight.

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Last week Simon Cowell said he wasn’t sure whether or not Evie would be returning for the finals. He offered her a slot next year if she chose to stay home with her family. After all, no one would blame her. But her mother Hilary wrote on the family’s blog,

“Evie Clair has made the decision to return and compete in the finals of America’s Got Talent after being given the option from Simon to come back next season. We are happy to be back in LA with the remaining cast, crew and staff who have become like a second family to us this past year. Some big AGT plans are in the works for both Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. You will not want to miss the finale so keep your schedules open and start planning parties to make sure your friends see it too.”

I guess the family figures it is what her father would have wanted. There is no doubt that wherever he is he’ll be watching and cheering Evie on.

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