Talent Recap

10 Things ‘America’s Got Talent’ Didn’t Tell You About Avery Dixon

Avery Dixon on 'America's Got Talent All-Stars'Photo by: Casey Durkin/NBC

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It’s no secret that fan favorite saxophone player Avery Dixon brought his a-game to America’s Got Talent All-Stars. Although some of the biggest AGT fans have witnessed both of his journeys, there’s more to know about this outstanding aerialist.


10 Things ‘AGT All-Stars’ Didn’t Tell You About Avery Dixon

1. His Family Inspired His Passion For Music

It should be no surprise that music is Avery’s strong suit, since it’s in his bloodline. His great grandfather was Maxwell Davis, who was known as an R&B saxophonist, arranger, and record producer.

Avery’s grandmother is also musically inclined. She’s been seen in various YouTube videos playing the cello alongside Avery on the saxophone.


2. He Founded His Own Organization, GraceNotes and Totes

Avery strives to give back to the hospital he was born in. He uses performance money to provide NICU families of preemie babies with essential supplies such as diapers, wipes, clothes, blankets, and small stuffed toys. His goal is to gift bags of brand new preemie and newborn clothes, baby blankets, diapers, wipes, stuffed toys, and onesies once a month.

3. Outside of Music, He Loves to be Artistic

As a kid, Avery used to compete in art competitions. He specified that his medium at the time was drawing. On the same note, Avery loves to collect bowties, specifically wooden and translucent plastic. 

4. He Takes Care of a Stray Cat

His favorite animal is one that he actually cares for regularly. His family has a stray cat that he takes care of. For those wondering, the cat’s name is Casey.

5. He’s Inspired by Various Artists

Avery listens to a variety of different music, not only performed by fellow musicians. He regularly listens to saxophonists Dave Koz and Gerald Albright, but he also listens to rapper Anderson Paak, gospel singers Fred Hammond and Kirk Franklin. 

6. He Was Crowned as “A Star of Tomorrow” at The Apollo Theater

When Avery had the opportunity to perform at Amateur Night, he won first place as a Star of Tomorrow. When he returned, he won first place as a Star of Tomorrow in Amateur Night SHOW OFF. In his last appearance, he performed in the Amateur Night Holiday Special alongside Diggy Simons.

Outside of the Apollo, he has performed at the Bijou Theatre’s “Your Time to Shine” talent competition in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He won first place in the youth division. 


7. He Went to Music School

Avery graduated from Georgia Cyber Academy in 2019 after landing a full music scholarship at Andrew College in Cuthbert. He dropped out of Andrew College, calling it “an awful experience.” Apparently, Avery dropped out after a year and a half and even considered quitting music for good.

8. He’s Not Dating Anyone

According to Avery, he’s “currently single as a pringle.” 

9. He Thought He Was Going to be a Football Player

Before diving into the world of music, Avery wanted to play football. Unfortunately, his doctors wouldn’t let him because of his underdeveloped lungs. Avery said that he was only allowed to play flag football, so he picked up the saxophone.

10. He’s The First….

He’s the first solo act that Terry has hit his golden buzzer for on AGT. He’s the first saxophone act to receive the golden buzzer on AGT. Finally, He’s the first saxophone player to advance into the live shows as well as the finale. 

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Donette hamlette Davis
Donette hamlette Davis
2 years ago

He is a awesome and very very talented young man. He deserves to go all the way. F


1 year ago

He made me dance and cry with joy. You are a beautiful artist inside and out ❤️

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