Talent Recap

‘The Voice’ Released Its Schedule and Fans Are OUTRAGED! But Here’s The Truth:

The Voice S16 ScheduleNBC

Reading Time: 2 minutes

With the past month of single-show weeks and the addition of the Live Cross Battles, The Voice fans have been curious about what the rest of this season will look like. Well the show finally released its schedule and fans were not pleased. But there’s a simple explanation for why it is the way that it is.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the schedule.


Unlike pasts seasons, there will be no Top 11 or Top 10 weeks. After the two weeks of the Live Cross Battles, it goes to the Top 24, which is usually the Live Playoffs. Then, 12 people will be eliminated between the top 24 and top 13 (with The Comeback Stage winner added). That is nothing unusual because that always happens in the Live Playoffs. But the week after that, 5 more people are eliminated, then another 4 the next week. So basically the show is on a fast track to the Finale, going from 13 to 8 to 4.

And if you read the comments, they are basically all fans upset about how the season will play out. Fans expressed their unhappiness with the new format in very legitimate, and understandable, ways.

I love how long the first three rounds stretch on, and then they go bam bam bam with live shows, which is where artists show off their style the best. 


Lmao top 11 and top 10 don’t even exist now


Really disappointed with all the changes; the cross battles, the comeback stage, and drastically cutting down on the number of lives. There hasn’t been an adequate explanation about all the changes. This may be my last time watching this show. At some point, you have to listen to the feedback of your viewers who are saying they don’t like this format.


But all of this is easily explained. And it has to do with one thing: the ratings battle between The Voice and American Idol. First of all, The Voice introduced the Live Cross Battles so it would compete with Idol‘s Top 14 next week. And everything else goes from there. Finally, you guessed it, their Finales for this season line up too.

So while you may be upset about this new format, this is a TV show at the end of the day. That means ratings are most important, not actually building up these artists and giving them a platform to stardom.

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3 years ago

I love the battles but they were cut we didn’t get to see them and it’s very disappointing!!!!!!!

I do not like this fast track to the end, such a terrible decision to take these moments away from us!

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