Harry the Gorillagician Doesn’t Appear on ‘AGT’, Will His Audition Air?

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There seems to have been a mix up at NBC during the America’s Got Talent auditions six episode. Even though photos of Harry the Gorillagician appeared on the press website, his audition wasn’t aired. Here’s everything we know.
America’s Got Talent superfans were eager to see Harry the Gorillagician on the sixth set of auditions. Instead, the magician seemingly was cut out of the episode. Many were under the impression that he would take the stage (for a full audition or in montage format) due to three photos of his act on the AGT press website. Early release photos show the magician talking to the audience, having Simon Cowell pick something, and drawing on an easel.
Following the episode, Harry the Gorillagician acknowledged that he did not appear on AGT. His Instagram post makes it clear that he was under the impression his audition would air Tuesday night.
“Not sure what happened. According to NBC Universal’s Media Press release site, last night was supposed to be the night my audition premiered, but it didn’t happen,” he wrote. “Maybe next week, we’ll see! But hey, at least it was a great show.”
There is many reasons this may have occurred. It’s possible that the magician’s audition was cut to make time for the mid-episode advertisement, or NBC uploaded too many photos to the press website. We’ll probably never know the actual reason. Regardless, many believe that Harry the Gorillagician will appear in auditions episode seven on Tuesday, July 19.
Who is Harry the Gorillagician?
Harry the Gorillagician is a man wearing a gorilla mask and gorilla hands, featuring sunglasses. While wearing the outfit, Harry performs magic tricks. Samples of his magic live within his Instagram and YouTube accounts.
Last year, Harry the Gorillagician appeared on the game show 25 Words or Less, where he revealed that his real name is Andrew. At the time, Andrew was an elementary school librarian who had been married for six years. To put it simply, he’s a father who dresses up as a gorilla and does magic. He typically performs in fundraisers for schools. According to his Instagram bio, he’s also a volleyball coach.
Even though he has a relatively small following on social media, Penn and Teller have praised the magician. The magic duo saw one of his videos on Twitter, Teller called it “wonderful” and “exactly what we want.” Teller thought it was especially impressive that the magician was able to do sleight of hand tricks with gorilla hands.
He’s Supportive of Other Contestants
One of his best qualities is his support of fellow contestants. Since the beginning of the season, he has been supporting his fellow contestants and behind the scenes crew. Even during this week’s disappointment the magician wrote well about his fellow contestants.
“At least it was a great show. Alex Rivers was on fire, Stefanny & Yeeremy were out of this world, along with the rest of a 2 hour show jam-packed with amazing talent,” he wrote. “I hope everyone enjoyed the show, even if your favorite Gorillagician wasn’t part of it.”
In response to a comment from Alex, the magician wrote another supportive note. Since NBC’s press photos were interesting and Harry the Gorillagician seems like a genuine person, fans hope his audition will appear in episode seven.
I blame Parrotman.
What a kind article, you guys really are amazing! Thank you so much Corey for your lovely article. Hopefully my audition will air at some point, if not, there’s always next year.
I think it IS Penn Jillette
How how come if it’s America’s got talent there’s no American judges