Talent Recap

‘America’s Got Talent’ Headed To Netflix In The UK

Trae Patton/NBC

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Netflix is slowly but surely taking over the world of entertainment. Soon it will be the only way to watch anything. They continue their conquest with their exclusive rights to America’s Got Talent content in the UK after it airs on NBC in the states.

Why watch one Got Talent show when you can watch two? That’s our motto. Britain’s Got Talent is about to wrap up in the UK but America’s Got Talent is on until September. So, it will quench the insatiable thirst of the Brits for people doing weird stuff to try to impress Simon Cowell. Freemantle Media is based in London along with Simon’s production company, Syco. They made the deal and are super excited about it. In a statement Freemantle said,

“For FremantleMedia and Syco, this collaboration with Netflix is one of the first of its kind and represents a new way to watch one of the world’s longest-running and successful U.S. network shows. The variety of acts on ‘America’s Got Talent’ always elicits a roller-coaster of emotions from fans worldwide and we’re excited that U.K. viewers will be able to enjoy the series at their own convenience through our deal with Netflix.”

I mean, it doesn’t effect us in the States but I’m glad that the Brits are going to get a chance to see Sacred Riana. Why should we be the only ones with nightmares?

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