‘AGT’ Instant Save: Here’s How to Vote

Reading Time: 2 minutes
We’re a few weeks into the AGT live shows for this season, and that means it’s time for the Instant Save! The Instant Save has replaced the Dunkin’ Save since Dunkin’ no longer sponsors America’s Got Talent. Instead, Sonic is the new big sponsor and Instant Save is the new way to vote one final time to keep your favorite act in the game. This live voting method appears during the Wednesday night results shows.
How to Vote for the Instant Save?
The Instant Save allows fans to vote to save one of three acts during the live results show. These three acts fall in the middle of the ranking after the previous night’s vote. During the quarterfinals, for example, the acts in 6th, 7th, and 8th place out of 12 are put up for the Instant Save.
To vote for which of the three Instant Save acts you want to see continue, go to the Instant Save website or download the AGT app on your phone. Voting lasts for 30 minutes during the live results show on Wednesday. You can vote once per email address.
Host Terry Crews announces the winner of the Instant Save live on the air after the voting window has closed. The act with the most votes will move on to the next round. The other two acts will remain on stage to learn their fate.
What Is The Judges’ Choice In AGT?
Once America has decided which of the three acts they want to save, the judges have an opportunity to save one of the remaining two acts. Each of the four judges gets a vote. If an act receives at least three out of four judges’ votes, they move on.
However, if the judges are tied, a tie-breaker will be used. Whichever act received the most votes from viewers will move forward in the competition, with the other act being eliminated.