Ryan Charles to Return to ‘American Song Contest’ as Wildcard With “New Boot Goofin'”

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It’s official, Ryan Charles has earned the first redemption spot on American Song Contest! The hip-hop country artist is returning to the American Song Contest competition with “New Boot Goofin’” in the semi finals. This singer is one of two artists returning to the stage in the next round.
Kelly Clarkson Announces the First American Song Contest Redemption Song
On April 18, American Song Contest host, Kelly Clarkson announced the first redemption artist on The Kelly Clarkson Show. Within the announcement, the American Song Contest hosts explain that redemption artists are singers who were not picked to continue into the semi finals. Instead, their songs continued to be streamed after their elimination.
Ryan called returning to the stage a blessing on the talk show. He noted that he’s received an overwhelming amount of support from people in Wyoming since being featured on the series. “New Boot Goofin'” went insanely viral after being performed in the premiere. Similar to fans of the series, Clarkson acknowledged that the hosts were shocked to see Ryan eliminated.
The next round of the competition contains the same music heard in the qualifying rounds, on a bigger scale. This round will include artists voted through by popular and jury votes, as well as two redemption songs. The second redemption artist has not been revealed at this time.
“We’re gonna get back on the stage, New Boot Goof and have a good time. I haven’t really gotten to talk about it [the next on stage performance] much with the creative side, but I can’t wait to hear their ideas,” Ryan said about his return to the national stage.
The co-host of the series joked, saying she can’t wait to see Ryan on the stage again, but also can’t wait to see Snoop Dogg dance to the song again. Snoop Dogg was seen dancing it out during the premiere performance of the tune. The video of him dancing has since become a meme.
“New Boot Goofin'” Goes Viral Following Premiere
Ryan originally appeared in heat one of the American Song Contest competition with “New Boot Goofin’.” Since it was announced that Ryan’s time in the competition was over, his song gained even more social media traction. At this time, “New Boot Goofin'” has 319,247 streams on Spotify and millions of views on TikTok. On top of that, Atlantic Records has shared a music video for the incredibly catchy song.
Even though this song isn’t the most serious of the competition, fans continue to eat it up. During the American Song Contest premiere, Ryan explained that his uncle used to say the phrase as a joke when he got new boots. He attempted to embody that feeling within the song itself and it’s totally worked. Fans are beyond happy to see Ryan return to the competition in the upcoming weeks.
The semifinals of American Song Contest is set to air in two live episodes on April 25 and May 2. As always, American Song Contest will begin at 8 p.m. on NBC. The voting period is shorter for this round of the competition, it begins on Monday nights at 8:00 p.m. EST and ends on Tuesday at 8:00 a.m. EST.Â
How do you vote for the next redemption artist. I would like to see the Judd Hoos. A band would be nice