Everything ‘AGT’ Didn’t Tell You About Golden Buzzer Recipient Madison Taylor Baez

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Madison Taylor Baez was one of the singers featured on Tuesday night’s America’s Got Talent episode. Here’s everything you need to know about this 11 year old singer.
1. Madison is Also an Actress
She made her Netflix debut in 2020 with Selena the Series. Within the show, Madison played the role of young Selena Quintanilla. The show’s inaugural debut drew in 30 million viewers, soon after Madison received great reviews for her portrayal. Within the show, Madison was the only cast member to sing her own songs in English and Spanish.
Outside of the netflix series, the young singer has been featured in 13 national commercials with major brands.
2. She Gained Recognition From Singing at Sporting Events
Madison’s nickname is America’s no. 1 “Anthem Girl” because she first gained recognition for her “Star Spangled Banner” renditions. Ahead of AGT she has performed in sold out stadium and arenas for the Los Angeles Dodgers, Ram, Lakers, Kings, Galaxy, and Harlem Globetrotters. Outside of sports, she’s appeared at several other high profile charity events.
3. Her Father Introduced her to the Piano, Singing
Her father introduced her to music at the age of three. The singer then learned to play piano and develop her singing skills by singing hundreds of songs on shuffle. The practiced songs would range from Motown to some of the biggest songs today by artists like Bruno Mars, Meghan Trainor, Charlie Puth, and more. One Christmas, Madison’s father gifted her a small pink electronic piano. Her family notes that her piano playing began as banging on random keys, but became music in about a week.
“My wife and I heard the toy piano playing in the other room and we both stopped and looked at each other with shock!! We then went into her play room and there she was playing her little electronic toy piano. We were even more stunned of how she was sitting, positioning her hands and playing with her fingers,” her father said.
Her parents later bought her a baby grand piano for the home. From there, Madison taught herself to play and read sheet music.
4. She Sang to Her Father Throughout His Cancer Battle
A few months before Madison’s fourth birthday, her father was diagnosed with Stage four Colon Cancer. As mentioned on America’s Got Talent, Madison has watched her father struggle with the disease for the past nine years. Soon after his diagnosis, Madison began singing to her father throughout his hospital stays, years of chemo treatments, and multiple surgeries. Her voice became developed through the pain of watching her father fight cancer to the joy of her father’s healing.
Even though Madison mentioned that her father is still struggling with the disease, her website states that he is cancer free and enjoying every moment of his daughters music. As mentioned on the series, Madison’s voice gives her father strength throughout his cancer battle.
5. America’s Got Talent Isn’t Her First Competition Show
Madison has appeared on ABC’s Kids Say the Darndest Things as well as FOX’s Game of Talents. Within each series she impressed with her powerful vocals. On these shows, she sang “Listen” by Beyonce and “Ain’t No Sunshine” by Bill Withers. In 2019, she appeared as a contestant in the China’s Got Talent finale.
6. She’s Apart of a Showtime Show, Let The Right One In
It was announced that Madison will star opposite of Demián Bichir in Showtime’s new series Let the Right One In. Within the series she plays the role of Eleanor. The narrative features Eleanor and her father living in the shadows and committing shameful acts to keep her alive after she was bitten by a mysterious creature. When they return to New York City, she meets a friend who reignites her desire to regain her humanity. This series does not have a release date at this time.
7. You Can Stream her Debut Album
In 2020, Madide released her debut album, Blingle Bells. The 11 track album features classic tunes like “Please Come Home for Christmas,” “Feliz Navidad,” and others. In 2021, she sang “Blingle Bells” at Universal Citywalk Hollywood.
Tune into America’s Got Talent on Tuesday, June 7 to see Madison’s audition.
I thought America’s Got Talent is supposed to be for people who haven’t gotten any big breaks? I never like it when someone who has already been in a movie or has an album wins or gets to advance over someone who I think may have been just as good.
And it seems like the only reason they gave her the golden buzzer was because they appeared to believe she just came out of the audience and sang so great, like on the spur of the moment. Did the judges really not know she was supposed to be on the show? If they didn’t, I think that’s deceitful. Sometimes I think these shows are mostly staged, so I am not sure whether the judges got played, or if we got played. But, yes, the previous experience does take away from the moment.
lol it doesn’t matter. She is still up and coming. If she was established already like Beyoncé that would be a problem. Lots of people who audition are up and coming. This is on all competition shows nothing new here. She deserved it.
I personally thought she screamed her song.
Did the judges really think that guy just picked her out of the audience? I also think the backstories (and sob stories) should be left out. Sympathy votes should not count.
I’m a firm believer there should be a different program for children to audition. Don’t take a Golden Buzzer away from an adult who has waited their whole life to perform on the ‘big stage’.
First off, wow the haters in the world. How do you make it through the day with so much anger and hate in you. Chill, life is already short enough. Second everyone of these AGT finalist where somewhat famous on a small scale. Laura Bretan, Colin Cloud, Benicio Bryant, Zurcaroh, Daneliya Tuleshova, The Sacred Riana all of these people had performed on other shows or in public, AGT is not alone either American Idol finalist that were already famous include Kellie Pickler, Clay Aiken, Chris Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson and Adam Lambert. Drake Milligan was on American Idol before AGT and… Read more »
She’s 11. I have an 11 year old- it’s an incredible talent! Shouldn’t be hate on an 11 year old. If my child had that dream and talent, and the competition was open, which it is, why wouldn’t you go? Also… Compare apples to apples guaranteed most of the dance crews on there have competed at national levels in dance- And that could be applied to a lot of the different talents on here
Also it’s AGT and in this specific episode there have been people from Canada, Japan, France… and more- it’s a talent show. Madison is talented.
Talent is talent. Period. it should always be recognized no matter how that recognition is achieved.
Isn’t this a open contest? If so anyone can participate.
her rendition of amazing grace was just that, amazing grace, with her outstanding performance. relating her story of her ailing father and how she learned to sing is relevant. me and i’m sure at least a million other people love her, her vision and strength of character
i hate people, they are all hating on this girl, who deserved this path shes walking on right now, just because she was skilled already and went on AGT, doesn’t mean she had the higher chance to win this, like people just don’t accept the fact that she’s talented as hell and deserved that damn golden buzzer, so like shut up and like accept she’s hella talented.
Wow, some of you have no chill! Relax, take a breath & realize there are more important things in the world to worry about than this little girl on this talent show.
Knowing her story now, it seems to be unfair, someone like her with so much baggage and experience, to compete with raw talent people, which I thought was the focus of these kind of show. The country Elvis also seemed to be professional already. I thought his performance was finale ready, or even a guest performance. Everything keeps looking like a fix to me.
How shady is AGT… she is already a professional. Not fair to the average contestant!
Ok, I DO get it, AGT brought all the hate on itself for the deceit in presenting Madison as anything but an audience plant, so viewers have a right to feel scammed. I think THAT is where the hate is being vented, not actually at darling little Madison. Once we accept the fact that ALL of these talent shows are 96.3% staged/scripted, we will be able to simply enjoy the talent.
I like that song sung softer
For all you haters who think this girl didn’t deserve this because she was a so called “professional ” by age 11, what about season 3 of AGT’s winner, Neal E Boyd? He had been to several music colleges and won many talent shows before appearing on AGT. THAT is what I would define as professional. He was much older and had much more experience and practice than she could have had simply because she hasn’t been around as long. Nobody seemed to care that he had this “unfair” advantage over the others. In fact, everyone voted for him to… Read more »
You know she was singing national anthems at games before she auditioned on AGT..Right!! She had been to several shows but noone asked her to sing. So what if it was staged. She was Awesome! Maybe you’re a lil jealous!
I think there were better people on than she who should have gotten the golden buzzer the only way you get the buzzer is if u have a sob story that should not matter
It would be fair if she was just a regular contestant. Her being picked from the audience was all but gimmick. So, I understand the haters.
Don’t like this at all. I feel like they lied.