Charlie Puth Shuts Down Body Shamers Criticizing His Shirtless Appearance

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Charlie Puth is responding to some haters who body-shamed him after seeing shirtless paparazzi photos. The 29-year old singer was caught as he was leaving the gym without his shirt on. When the photos were posted on the Instagram account Just Jared, haters had a lot to say.
Charlie Puth Responds To Body Shamers After Shirtless Photos
In the paparazzi photos posted on Just Jared’s Instagram account, Charlie appeared shirtless as he talked on the phone while he walked back to his car. The caption says that Charlie is showing off “his fit body.” This prompted so many negative and uncalled-for responses in the comments section.
“Where is the fit body? Let me know!” wrote one person in the comments section on Instagram. “Eww I don’t see the appeal. Like any of it” wrote another.
“Lol. Fit body?” another Instagram user questioned. “I never found him attractive,” another wrote. Others just completely missed the mark with their comments and implied tha Charlie gained weight during quarantine.
After receiving several negative comments on the post, Charlie who previously served as a mentor on The Voice, decided to shut down the body shamers. “Hey just a very quick reminder that it’s not cool to body shame anyone. Not entirely sure what the purpose of it is. Sorry I don’t have an 8 pack like damn……” he wrote on Twitter. The tweet has been liked more than 20,000 times.
Fans Have Rallied To Support Charlie And Are Firing Back At Haters
Charlie received an outpouring of support from fans after he exposed the body shamers and shut them down. “People really body shaming Charlie Puth’s picture of him leaving the gym. Idk where to begin on how that doesn’t make sense. And on top of that he looked perfectly fine. Why do ppl have to project their own insecurities onto others. Get a life” wrote one fan.
“Damn, it’s 2021 and people still body-shame other people on the internet. Why? What’s the goal? The comments under Charlie Puth’s posts are disgusting. And let’s be real, he’s the definition of ‘fit’ and ‘healthy’ and he’s motherfucking sexy as hell.”
“There are so many unrealistic expectations for body image. Just don’t care bout em WE LOVE YOU CHARLIE” wrote one supporter.
“Charlie Puth everybody, the man who supports all the artists big and small it doesn’t matter. Gets called clout chaser and body shamed. What has that done to him? Absolutely nothing cuz his fans love him no matter what” wrote another.
Charlie found major success when he was featured on Gabby Barrett’s song “I Hope” and is a four-time Grammy nominee. The Songland stars experience being body-shamed definitely highlights how there are so many expectations and unrealistic body standards set for people in the public eye. Nobody deserves to be body shamed or made to feel like they are not good enough to fit the mold.