Apparently Michael Bolton Used to Babysit Paula Abdul and He Was the ‘Worst’

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Michael Bolton shared some childhood gossip this week. The 68-year-old revealed that he was once former American Idol judge Paula Abdul’s babysitter. Although they’re good friends now, apparently he wasn’t the best babysitter back in the day.
Appearing on Sirius XM show, ‘Radio Andy’, Michael Bolton opened up about how he ended up babysitting for Paula Abdul.
“So, how that happened was her older sister was dating my guitarist and I was writing songs, demoing them to try to get a record deal and in L.A.,” Bolton said. “We wanted to go out one night and we realized we couldn’t because we couldn’t leave Paula – our friend’s baby sister, little sister – couldn’t leave her alone.”
Bolton noted that his babysitting duties paid off as their careers began to grow.
“So then she became a top choreographer before her career took off. I gave her a call out of nowhere and said, ‘I want you to choreograph a video. This is Michael Bolton,'” he said. “And she choreographed the video and then she started having hits and it was just a lot of fun. And then I loved bumping into her and in the business.”
Paula Abdul Says Michael Bolton Was the ‘Worst’ Babysitter
Paula Abdul has also spoken out about her relationship to Bolton. Earlier this year, she told Kelly Clarkson the now 68-year-old singer was not a good babysitter.
“He was the worst babysitter, because all he cared about was music,” Abdul said.
Kelly Clarkson, jokingly replied to Abdul, saying: “That panned out though, didn’t it?”
Apparently Bolton would never help her with her homework and would spend almost all the time playing music with friends, leaving her unaccompanied. In the end, it does seem to have worked out, and it makes for a hilarious story.