The ‘AGT’ Judges Really Messed Up By Sending Home Storm Large

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America’s Got Talent did an entire wildcard episode on Peacock to get fans invested in bringing someone back. Just 24 hours after Storm Large was officially announced as a member of the Top 36, she was sent home. This was the most unfair thing to happen so far on a season full of twists and turns.
Winning an AGT wildcard spot is basically a second chance at winning $1 million. Storm was stripped of that opportunity way too quickly. Viewers were really excited to vote her back into the competition after not initially making it into the Top 36. They showed love for her on Twitter and watched her audition video over 3.3 million times.
Becoming a well-known singer has been a dream that Storm has been chasing for over 30 years. After battling for the wildcard, we really did have high hopes for her. While her performance of “Take On Me” by A-Ha was a little bit slow-paced, she had some of the better vocals that night. Decades of on-stage experience is key in this competition and the judges failed to recognize that.
What Was the Point of Having a Wildcard Competition on ‘AGT’?
Storm ended up in the Instant Save alongside Michael Winslow and UniCircle Flow. Just seconds after the live vote opened up, Michael led the votes. He advanced on to the AGT Semifinals. Storm and UniCircle Flow were left vying for the judges votes to stay in the competition. What should have been an easy decision ended in a complete shock.
The judges were very adamant that Storm’s Quarterfinals performance was not as good as her audition. That may be true, however, they put it so harshly. For someone who just battled back into the competition, we thought she would at least get some love from all of the judges. Heidi Klum was really the only judge on her side and the only one to vote for her.
Sofia Vergara said she had to think about what happened the day prior to make her decision. She chose UniCircle Flow which was interesting considering one of the group members fell on stage. Her demeanor was really odd when making the decision. Simon Cowell said he was basing his decision on which act had the most originality and the chance to do better going forward. Was this a dig at Storm’s act? He also voted for UniCircle Flow.
UniCircle Flow demonstrated great showmanship and heart on stage despite their mistakes being very noticeable. Storm was going for the redemption arc and America truly loves an underdog. There was literally no point in throwing her into the AGT wildcard competition, the Quarterfinals, and then sending her straight home. The judges could have at least honored all of the time and effort put into the wildcard competition just a little bit more.
Is Simon Cowell to Blame?
Somehow, the wildcard competition looks like it was just all a way to promote Peacock, NBC’s streaming platform. You can probably count on one hand how many of your friends have access to Peacock. There is bound to have been some people who purchased a subscription or downloaded it just to watch the wildcard competition. It might have been a success for Peacock, but a major slap in the face for AGT fans who were rooting for Storm.
Cowell is the person calling the shots as the executive producer. It was probably his idea to have an AGT wildcard competition on Peacock. It feels like he might have been unsatisfied with the wildcard results in the first place. If that was the case, the judges should have just picked the AGT wildcard winner themselves.
“There was a rawness about you on this first audition which somehow has got lost,” Simon Cowell said after watching Storm’s Quarterfinals performance. “I don’t know what happened. Even your styling…everything was too soft tonight in my opinion.”
Storm posted a video on Instagram to ensure that she is fine with the decision. She promised that she will be going on tour soon. Storm is a class act and showed nothing but poise on the AGT stage. Her fans expressed disappointment on all social media platforms that she did not go further. Shoutout to her for keeping her cool even though us fans are really fed up.
The Judges on AGT are absolutely ridiculous. Storm Large was the best singer to ever step foot on that stage. Nobody on that stage should have come even close to beating her. Simon is a joke.
AGT IN M.O RIG the shows to get who they want not the public. STORM is so good its sad that she hasnt gotten the time and notice she deserves. JUDGES SHOULD INCLUED people who have a clue 1 is a washed up comedian/game show host.2 r b/c actresses and well Simon isn t as good as people think. STORM WOULD WIN IF NOT SCREWED OVER BY JUDGES WHO THINK THEY R BETTER THEN THE TALENT AND DONT WANT TO BE UPSTAGED.