Kelly Clarkson Uses Her Block on Blake Shelton Over a Country Singer

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It’s no secret that Blake Shelton and Kelly Clarkson have a love-hate relationship when it comes to being coaches on The Voice. They often fight over country artists and most of the time, Shelton wins the argument. This time around, Clarkson quickly used her block on Shelton to get Kinsey Rose on her team.
A Block Used Out of Frustration
Clarkson chose to block Shelton because she thought he didn’t turn his chair quickly enough for this country artist. But it seems like Clarkson has some pent up anger from the fact that Shelton was against her during each argument. I honestly don’t blame her for feeling this way toward the long-time coach.
Earlier in the program, she complained “Once again, Blake is team Ariana, then he’s Team John, he’s just teaming up on me. Not once has he been like you should probably pick Kelly. Hell will freeze over, pigs will fly.”
Clarkson really showed some teeth after Shelton went against her for the entire night when she chose to block him. Although he hadn’t said anything nice about her all night, Legend and Grande has nice things to say about Team Kelly after Rose made it on by default. Although Grande was on Clarkson’s side for the majority of the night, it was Legend’s first time advocating on behalf of the pop queen.
It definitely seems as if Clarkson does not regret her decision to use her only block of the season on Rose. She shared excitement with her new teammate before giving her the iconic turquoise jersey gift.
“It feels so good to block Shelton, it’s kind of a spiritual experience,” said Clarkson. “Shelton you won last season, but it’s over.”
Although Shelton was angry at first that he was blocked from this country singer, he quickly remembered that Clarkson stole Kenzie Wheeler from him last season as well. Considering the fact that Clarkson went into the finals with the other Kinsey/Kenzie, I’d say Kinsey Rose is in good hands with her astonishing country vocals.