‘America’s Got Talent’ Judge Heidi Klum Reveals Her New Diet

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America’s Got Talent judge Heidi Klum recently gave us an inside look into her diet, that aids to her youthful glow. In a recent Interview with Jackelyn Shultz, Klum gave some helpful dieting tips for beauty and overall health.
During the America’s Got Talent Live Show four red carpet, Heidi Klum revealed her current diet, which keeps her in top shape. Disclaimer, please keep in mind that Klum has made it clear that this diet may not work for everyone. Of course, that won’t stop most of us, because let’s face it, who doesn’t want to look like a supermodel?
This Supermodel’s Diet
The AGT judge didn’t hold back about her new knowledge on the red carpet. She began with an important tip about water intake during meals, stating that “You’re not meant to drink anything while you eat, not a half hour before, not during, and not a half hour afterwards.”
Even though she placed emphasis on the fact that hydration is important, she explained that drinking should be done throughout the day, not during meals. On top of water intake, she noted that she does not eat anything raw during the night to have healthy digestion.
With over twenty years in the industry, this AGT judge is somebody worth listening to. Proving that she takes care of her body, her looks are above most people her age. She wants to live a good and full life, and she hopes to stay healthy by taking good care of herself.
Heidi Klum’s Favorite Acts This Week
When asked what her favorites were, Klum mentions the multimedia act Metaphysic. Showing how much she enjoyed watching the cutting-edge AI perform, she called Metaphysic’s latest act “incredible,” and most would agree. Klum also expressed her excitement for their next performance which will feature the imagery of Sofia Vergara and herself.
Not forgetting about her Golden Buzzer Lily Meola, Klum described her thoughts on Meola’s latest performance. Klum said that Meola deserves a chance to win the show, “She has a beautiful voice. She writes beautiful songs,” added Klum.
I agree that among all the singing acts that were performed, Meola was the one that delivered the most. Her voice while singing her original song “Butterfly” was truly beautiful. Social media predominantly loved Lily as well, but unfortunately, she got eliminated by placing third behind Metaphysic, and Mike E. Winfield.