After Toilet Paper, People Are Hoarding Guns During Coronavirus Outbreak

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Just when it seemed like people were focused on hoarding a ton of toilet paper and loaves of bread, a new stockpile item has emerged. Many gun and ammunition dealers are seeing booming business amid the coronavirus outbreak. Their stores are full of empty shelves as they have sold a majority of their stocks to people who fear the worst has yet to come in terms of the coronavirus outbreak.
Gun Sales Have Increased At A Rapid Rate Even At Smaller Shops Due To Coronavirus
A video posted by FOX 17 features one gun shop called the Sparta Sports Shop in Michigan. They saw an increase in the sale of their guns by 500%. This is a huge difference from their usual sale of about 10 guns a month. The store owner said: “I would’ve thought toilet paper and food and stuff would be more of a higher priority but people want guns to be able to protect what they got.” He even noted that lines inside of the store have been extremely long while people are anxiously waiting to get their hands on guns or ammunition.
Guns are even being sold at a rapid rate online for retailers like The website reported a 309% increase in revenue last month. It seems like people are buying guns in an effort to protect their homes. Gun sales have increased so much that many stores have experienced a low stock. Manufacturers have been overwhelmed with the desire for guns so there is no telling when new shipments will come in, especially during such a difficult time in the world.
One Of The Main Driving Factors To Purchase Guns Seems To Be Fear
One man in a News 4 New York video feared that if this pandemic lasts a long time and people start to run out of food, they might come knocking at his door to rob him. He talked about getting a gun to protect his wife and daughter.
Over in Nashville, Tennesee gun stores were also selling out of items fast. The owner of Patriot Guns and Pawn said, “I think it has to do with fear of the unknown.†The fear stems from mass hysteria surrounding the spread of the virus and how it has been considered a national emergency. People watch post-apocalyptic shows like The Walking Dead and assume that the world will turn into that. In the show, the characters go through drastic measures to get food and supplies and always have weapons to protect themselves.
Body Armor And Tactical Gear Are Also Selling Out Fast
And it is not just guns that people are rushing to the store to buy. There has also been an increase in sales for tactical gear and ballistic body armor. Gladiator Solutions, a ballistic body armor, and tactical gear store is seeing a lot of smaller orders from people who are bracing for the worst. They typically see larger orders for members of the military or hunters. This shows that people are now purchasing these items for themselves for use at home.
Some people even documented their search for tactical gear and guns on social media. Bill Melugin from FOX LA tweeted that everyone in line at the gun store said they were “afraid of the unknown.”
Hopefully, things will begin to look up to diminish this fear that people have. Doctors and governments all over the world are looking for new strategies to flatten the curve and put an end to this outbreak and mass hysteria.