Who is ‘Survivor’ Castaway Lauren Beck?

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We’re only two weeks into Survivor Season 39: Island of The Idols, but we here at Talent Recap might already have a favorite castaway.
Okay, we’ve totally had one since the cast was announced, but we think you’ll forgive us. Talent Recap’s own Lauren-Ashley Beck is a castaway this season, and she’s already killing it out on the island!
Lauren The Survivor
Get to Know Lauren
Lauren grew up in Michigan, but set out for California at 17. She’s currently a nanny and video hosts (including on Talent Recap’s channel, of course!) with aspirations in journalism. You can learn more about Lauren in her bio on the Survivor website!
Running The Game
We’ve only seen two episodes – AKA less than a week of gameplay – of Survivor 39 so far, but Lauren is already proving herself to be quite the savvy player.

Her tribe – Vokai – won the first immunity challenge, meaning they didn’t have to vote anyone off at Tribal Council. But they weren’t as successful with the second (which Lauren happened to have sat out of…maybe she was their secret to success!) so they had to vote someone from their tribe out of the game.
The vote out looked to be between Noura and Jason, two contestants who were not part of the majority alliance and were annoying their fellow tribe members for various reasons. But Lauren realized another player, Molly, was putting herself into a very good position and could be a real threat going forward unlike the other two who would be easy votes in the future, so she rallied the majority of the tribe – including Noura and Jason – to secretly turn the vote around and blindside Molly at Tribal Council, successfully sending her home.
What’s Next For Lauren?
We didn’t see much of Lauren in next week’s preview, but now that she’s proven to be able to pull off a blindside, things could go a lot of different ways. She could continue to run her tribe and dictate votes…or her tribemates could realize her strong gameplay and try to make her the next target! But we have faith that Lauren will keep killing it, and can’t wait for the next episode!
Keep doing all of us here at Talent Recap proud, Lauren!