In These ‘The Voice’ Bloopers We Find Out Blake Can’t Dance
Reading Time: 1 minutes
One of my favorite things on any show is when they show us behind-the-scenes stuff. Especially bloopers, I love that stuff. It looks like they have a lot of fun on The Voice and these clips seem to show that. In the above video we learn a lot of things like Johnny Bliss’ vocal technique, Adam’s love of a good deal, and Blake’s dancing skills…or lack thereof.
Apparently, Blake can’t dance. Come to think of it, I can’t remember him ever dancing. Whenever he performs he just kind of stands there. It’s weird because his girlfriend Gwen Stefani is a great dancer. Maybe she can give him some lessons because according to his friend and Voice mentor Trace Adkins, Blake’s dancing is a ‘horror show’. Ouch.
Then Blake lays into Adam for what he’s wearing. Again. Blake isn’t exactly a fashion icon…actually…he’s the sexiest man alive according to People magazine so I guess he does know what he’s talking about.