Luke Bryan Hilariously Reacts to Katy Perry Splitting Her Pants on ‘American Idol’

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Katy Perry had an embarrassing moment on Monday night’s new episode of American Idol, as her pants split during a performance of “Teenage Dream.” Perry’s fellow judge Luke Bryan had a hilarious response to the mishap on Twitter.
Katy Perry Splits Her Pants on ‘American Idol’
Monday night’s new episode kicked off Season 20’s Hollywood Week, as the contestants took on the Genre Challenge. At one point, the singers let off some steam in a sing-along with Perry to her song “Teenage Dream.”
Things were going well, and Perry sounded great. Then she decided to do a squat while singing the lyric about “skintight jeans.” She wasn’t wearing jeans, but her pants were still pretty skintight. She actually split the back of them.
The show censored Perry’s rear end with an American Idol logo as the singer asked for “some gaffer tape” to fix the issue. With a little help from the crew and Bryan, Perry ended up with yellow tape holding the back of her pants together.
Perry used the moment as a reason for fans to tune in during Monday night’s show, writing on Twitter that they should “tune in now for a RIPPING good time.”
Luke Bryan Responds on Twitter
Bryan had the funniest response to Perry’s pants-splitting moment on Twitter. He shared a photo of SpongeBob SquarePants with a rip in his pants, but he PhotoShopped Perry’s face onto it looking surprised.
Bryan wrote that it’s “supposed to be a family show.” Perry retweeted the image during the show, writing, “family, my ass.”
If you can believe it, this isn’t the first time Perry has split her pants on American Idol. In 2018, during the Top 24 performances, Perry split the back of her jumpsuit. She turned around and showed off the damage in a similarly censored moment, to Lionel Richie’s horror. Once again, the show used tape to fix the issue.