‘Britain’s Got Talent’ Is Back With More Amazing Auditions

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Britain’s Got Talent is back with more wacky and wonderful auditions! So, who did we get to meet this week?
Michael Sandwick put on a spectacle that entailed a taste of ballroom, pole dancing, and a small, out-of-tune choir as back-up. Alesha gave him a no and Simon referred to it as a “nightmare”. However, Amanda and David voted yes, with the latter also voting on behalf of Simon before he could say anything, so he moved forward.
Dr. Dance led the audience in a campy dance routine, but Simon was less-than-amused with it and buzzed him. The other three judges were into it, though, so he advanced.
In the first legitimately good performance of the episode, church choir Truro Cathedral Group auditioned with “Can You Feel The Love Tonight?”. The judges heaped praise onto them and unanimously sent them forward.
James and Marina AKA Mind2Mind did a mentalism act which entailed James taking objects from Amanda’s purse and a blindfolded Marina correctly telling everyone what they were, followed by a special trick with Amanda and Simon. All the judges loved them and voted for them to advance.
Tony Rudd did a variety of impressions enhanced with household items. What was neat about this act is while the set-up could have simply come across as just a tad too “jokey” the level of the impressions he was doing made it into something we could smile at the silliness of but still see as a legitimate act. The judges all loved the performance and unanimously advanced him.
Jacob Jones sang “You Are So Beautiful To Me” to his wife, who was watching in the audience. Simon stopped him partway through the song and told him to restart but this time without “putting on” any voices that weren’t his natural one. All four judges said yes, and then Jacob had Faye – his girlfriend – come up onstage, where she accepted his marriage proposal to her.
Magician Dan Rhodes had Amanda come up to do the classic “sawing in half” trick, but with a fun, homemade twist. It was a riot and the judges loved it. Unanimous yeses, of course!
Charlie and Libby are two 11-year-old dancers who performed a great contemporary piece which impressed the judges and earned them four yeses.
Leanne Mya has been through a lot in the past couple years, so she needed a win. And a win she got after she sang for the judges and they gave her high praise, sending her through to the decision round.