‘Britain’s Got Talent’ Semi-Finals Day 3 Recap: Did Tonight’s Acts Step Up Their Game?

Reading Time: 3 minutes
It’s Day 3 of the Britain’s Got Talent semi-finals and Simon expressed concern at the beginning of the night that a lot of the acts weren’t upping their game to a high enough level for the live shows. So, did tonight’s acts change that?
Angels Inc.
The presentation and choreography for this act was fantastic, but they just did variations on the same brand of disappearing trick the whole time so the magic side of it was lacking. It was refreshing to see a magic act that wasn’t a variation on the same style of trick we kept seeing over the first two days of the semi-finals. Simon thought they were better than yesterday’s winning act 4MG but was concerned they wouldn’t get as much support from the public.
Rob King
Rob sang “Memory” from the musical Cats for this round. His voice is definitely suited to musical theatre, though he did get a bit swallowed up by the heavy set and sound production towards the end. Alesha and Amanda loved his vocals but didn’t feel the emotion of the song (though they both enjoyed the performance).
They stepped up their game from their audition and delivered a much more energetic and cohesive dance routine this time around. However, Simon and Alesha said they weren’t at the level they should be for BGT, and that’s a sentiment we unfortunately have to echo.
John Archer
John lampooned the art of magic as he did during his audition, but this time his showmanship levels were a bit higher and he really commanded the stage, which he got high praise from the judges for afterwards (even Simon, who was the butt of a lot of his jokes tonight).
Gominov Knife Show
This duo showed off their danger skills on a spinning wheel of fire and a swinging pendulum. The judges were blown away by their abilities, and Simon even volunteered to take over the “hostage” role again!
Colin Thackery
Colin sang another song for his late wife; this time it was “We’ll Meet Again”. He did a nice job with it and the judges were very pleased, with David even saying he could possibly win the entire show.
Kojo Anim
Kojo did a great set with jokes about the relationship he and his father had while he was growing up. The judges were all very impressed!
Chapter 13
These boys can rock! They brought us an electric ending to the show with a fun original song. The judges were loving it, and Simon said it was an improvement over their audition
Before Ant and Dec signed off, Simon congratulated the acts on a great show and said his concerns of people not stepping things up were alleviated tonight. Voting is now open, and you can learn more about how to do so on the official BGT website. We’re thinking Colin Thackery is a shoo-in to move forward (he has a great shot at winning tonight) and the other place in the finals up for grabs could go to any one of Kojo Anim, Chapter Thirteen, John Archer, or Gominov Knife Show.