Bring The Funny Brought Puppets, Music, And…Pitbull?
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Bring the Funny returns with more open mics and more funny. They kicked off the show with a hilarious puppet and it only got better from there. I thought this week was funnier than last week. Let’s go through the acts and see who…brought the funny…see what I did there?
Randy Feltface
A manic Australian puppet who is a pretty decent comic? This appeals to me interests. As an adult that watches more than my share of puppet shows, this was really slick. I particularly liked that they tried to create a sob story with his mother. The judges really liked them…even Chrissy who thinks puppets are creepy
Michael Longfellow
You can tell this guy is a pro. The jokes were well-crafted and the timing was really cool. It wasn’t a regular set up/punchline rhythm. It was more awkward, but a controlled awkwardness. The judges really dug him too. Like, he might win.
Room 28
A solid premise for a sketch is one of the most important aspects to it working. Then you have to keep escalating the sketch. It reminds me of a sketch my group used to do about faded 90’s singers. I liked these guys better than the sketch group from last week.
Mandy Muden
She combines two things you wouldn’t think would work: a saucy British gal and magic. For a second I thought she was doing to lob a knife at Jeff. If she could do that she belongs on AGT. Like, seriously. A million dollars, Mandy.
Regan and Watkins
Musical comedy can be tough but these guys were pretty good. Not the best, but not the worst. It does need to be tightened up though. It was a little sloppy. Though the 21st century girl song was funny.
Morgan Jay
This was musical comedy done like I’ve never seen it done before. Instead of just singing a funny song, he SANG the act. It was done in a singsongy style that is seriously original and cool. I really liked this act.
Jesus Trejo
This guy was also really solid. He had a hilarious bit about his grandmother having 21 kids. I mean, if that’s in your family then you’d be a fool not to use it. He does need to slow down a bit, like Jeff said. But he’s super seasoned.
These are the acts that got through…
Morgan Jay, Michael Longfellow, Willy Appelman, Jesus Trejo, Ismo, and Randy Feltface. I was surprised Room 28 didn’t get through. Maybe they just hate Pitbull. Culo.