Talent Recap

‘American Idol’ Production Company Fremantle Changes Their Name

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Something that you may or may not know about Talent Recap is that we have a working relationship with all of the production companies that make these shows. One of the ones we have the best relationship with is Fremantle. They are located in London and they own the Got Talents and American Idol. They’ve been making some corporate changes including a rebranding of their name.

fremantle-positiveThey have always been Fremantlemedia since back at the beginning of time. Not that anyone actually calls them that, but whatever. Now they’ve simplified and are just Fremantle. It reminds me of back in the early 2000s when Apple Computers became simply Apple and look where they are now. Jennifer Mullin, CEO of Fremantle, said,

“This is such an exciting moment for me and all of us at Fremantle. Credit must go to my predecessor Cecile Frot-Coutaz and the teams from across the business who have worked tirelessly over the last year to find the right expression of what it means to be part of the Fremantle family. We work with the best creatives in the business, all of whom take enormous pride in their work, which in turn inspires and impacts millions of people around the world. We are all connected by these acts of creativity, all part of one global team – and this new creative signature is a bold way of putting our own unique mark on everything that we do.”

Fremantle is a giant company. They produce over 12,000 hours of programming per year and make 450 shows. That’s a crazy amount of work. We wish them the best because if they do well, we do well.

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