‘The Four’ Premieres To Decent But Not Spectacular Ratings

The Four: Battle For Stardom has been played up for months as THE show to watch. According to NBC (and Diddy) this show is going to change the singing competition show and make you have to buy a new pair of pants because your butt was about to be blown off. While we thought it was just “meh” it did OK in the ratings…but just OK.
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According to the good ‘ol Nielsen ratings the show got a 1.2 for the night which translates into 3.7 million. While that is certainly a decent showing it probably isn’t what the producers wanted. After all, this was said to be THE television event of January. Of course, a good premiere sort of doesn’t mean anything. Because it is the second week that really indicates how the show is going to do. Because people saw it last week and we’ll see if they will be back this week.
There is another factor which is how many people saw it online. The Four is trying really hard to appeal to the young demographic, (which they won the 18-49 demo in the ratings). The Nielsens, which is a super antiquated system, doesn’t count online views. IF the show can hook the youth viewership it might not show up as well in the ratings. We’ll see when the Thursday numbers come in how the show is actually doing.